Four Years in 1,000 Words – Here’s My Story of SIMAD University.

Moving from Beledweyne

Abdisomane Secondary School is where I started from my formal educational journey. After 12 years of basic and secondary schooling, I finished my secondary school. At that time (till now), I love(d) to continue my educational journey (call me a long-life learner), but the problem was that I had an extreme misconception about the quality of local universities in my country. Studying in Malaysia, India or Pakistan was what I thought to be real education. After analysis, discussions and consultations with the family and friends, things went totally different.

In June 2012, I moved to Mogadishu, the capital city of my lovely Somalia. Though it was not my first time to go to somewhere out of Beledweyn, this journey was full of hopes and dreams. It was also the day I realized that the baby of Fatima Abdi will no longer be a baby; it was a time to stood up with my own legs. After my arrival at Mogadishu, the whole July and August in 2012 I was busy for choosing a college and a major to pursue. It was juggling enough. At end, ‘accounting’ won my heart and imagination.

Starting A College

Finally, I have registered with an anonymous university, which I ethically preferred to hide its name. Classes started. I always came at the campus earlier because I had a passion for a college life, but the environment was not prepared for me. The first week ended without sense. I started to ask my classmates why they chose this. I understood from them that (most of them) this was not their best choice! But one reply from a clever student touched my heart “if I could have the means of studying at SIMAD, I would join it!” These words clicked me deeply, and I started to follow my heart and tell myself “this is not where you deserve”.

After two bleak weeks, I applied SIMAD UNIVERSITY’s admission. Fortunately, Faculty of Law was only open for admission and I registered it as a law student. Though it was not my planned major, I enjoyed it and I found a companion in it. At the end, I discovered the life I wanted to live in, which deserves me. Lectures were going smoothly; classes were well equipped, students were enjoying their classes and the environment was conducive. Honestly, things were totally different from the previous one. Ustad is the most frequently used word in SIMAD. Later I learned that  term was part of its culture.
SU-Main Campus

My 1st Cultural Week Experience

After one semester, I transferred to the accounting program which was my planned major in the first place. I joined a charming class called A27-A. My classmates welcomed me neatly at that time and I felt overjoyed to go along with them for the upcoming 4 years. Things went normal. After classes and session breaks, SIMAD’s green environment was our/my best friend(s).

During my 2nd semester, I enjoyed SU’s annual cultural week tremendously, in my first time. It was freaking experience for me and the rest of the fresh students. Suit and tie was not working that week and everyone was dressing two pieces of white (cultural) cloths. Dhaanto was played in the compound unstoppably and Aqal-Somali was built in the university, too. The boy, hailing-from Hiiraan, was in state of shock. Students from different regions were performing cultural dances like Dhaanto, Shirib, Surow and others. Many prominent personalities attended. Furthermore, full scholarships were awarded to some students who won the Holly Quran contest (both male and female ones).
cultural last.JPG
SU-Cultural Week (2016)

Clubs and Students Board Affiliations

In March 2014, SU-students’ reading club was established. Being one of the top 7 executives, my responsibility was the financial management of the club and Khadar Biciid (the 1st president of XAJSi, the university students’ government) was the president of the club at that time. In May 2014, the first SIMAD University Students Government (aka XAJSi) was established and Mowliid became an active member of XAJSi. And In February 2015, I became the class monitor of more than 70 classmates. I received lots of experiences from them. Again in August 2016, I became a member of SIMAD’s XAJSi and in September 2015 Mowliid was leading the constitution committee of FMS’ Students Association.


August 2 – 3, 2014, was one the most exciting experiences I had with the university. The 1st conference on public policy and administration development in Somalia was organized by SIMAD University. I had the opportunity to meet with most sough personalities presenting their papers/articles in the conference. In the same way, I had witnessed SU hosting the Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Development (CEB2015) in April 2015; it was really a joyful experience.

Both conferences shed light on how important it is to have a platform to share your educational experiences. They’re also an opportunity to create a network that could help me later in my career.

My Coaches

Ustaad Ibrahim Hamud and Ustad Abdinasser Moallem were my life coaches and role models and still they are. I loved to attend their classes and listen their talks. They taught me the habit of reading, goal setting tips, thinking critically and how to go forward in life. Furthermore, I also used to enjoy the lectures and talks of Dr. Bashir Abdisamad Hared. Honestly, he is a walking dictionary! There has been another lecturer, writer and blogger who taught me lots through online education, Mohamed Muse Hassan. He opened my eyes and showed me the world of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

I attended many online courses offered by international universities based in Singapore, USA, China and UK..... Apart from the knowledge I gained from these courses, they also reinstated my confidence in SIMAD University's high standard quality and academic excellence. I couldn't overcome the challenges of MOOCs without the help of my prior studies. Most of the students fail to complete the courses for various reasons. For example, self-discipline and a strong basic knowledge of the subject were two of the main requirements to succeed in the online world. SIMAD University helped me with latter one – a strong foundation. This goes against those who criticize the level of the local knowledge.

Statistics showed that the 'Introduction To Astronomy' online course offered by Duke University through Coursera was enrolled by 60,000 students and less than 6% of the students has successfully completed that course—It needs much efforts to attend such MOOCs. Being part of that 6% makes me proud of the work of my university.

A Dream Came True!

reading.jpgI always had a passion for writing but I struggled to find the know-how. After attending too many motivational lectures held at SIMAD and others through online, I developed a reading habit. Later, the idea of writing came in my mind and the desire of writing came, too. I searched an area that I was passionate about. One day in September 2014, while I was visiting a bookstore, I looked at the shelves and noticed a book called, Tafseerul Ahlaam. “If you were to publish its translation in Somali language, it would be considered a valuable edition,” I told myself.

I took the book and started to do the job. After 9 months of translation and correction of the Somali language, the book was ready for publication in May 2015. Fortunately, SOMANE FOUNDATION (based in Beledweyn) sponsored all the publication costs. Five hundred (500) copies were published; the readers of the book gave a positive feedback. Apart from the book signing events held in different places in Mogadishu, the appreciation event held by my classmates at SIMAD’s main hall was so special to me. They touched me with that gesture. That moment will always remain in my heart.

August 20, 2015 was another day, with the help of SIMAD’s Senate,my 2nd book ‘Quraanka & Seyniska’ was published and I showcased at the first ever Mogadishu International Book Fair. The book fair was one of the best things happened to me personally.

My Final Days at SIMAD University

June 11th, 2016, is a day that will remain in my heart forever. It’s the end of wonderful four years and the beginning of beautiful journey. I sat for the last and final exam of my (first) undergrad degree at SIMAD University. Hard work, faith, perseverance and support from Allah and my family have helped me get through all these experiences.

Finally, I’m very grateful to share my exciting moments with you and that I am a proud SIMAD University graduate. Thank you, SIMAD University.


  1. Maashaa allaah qudwah xasanah mr moowliid

  2. This is amazing. You have been doing great all the time and so will you for the rest of your life, I hope. Guuleyso sxb, Mowliid.

  3. Thank you brother for your inspirational words, glad to hear it. #Respect

  4. Mr Cadceed, sxbky, walaalkey, igu-fasal qaali ah. aad baan u mahadsantahay sxb

  5. Masha alah mowliid Ahmed Hassan my bro wan ku hanbalyeynayaa

  6. Shukran walaalkey aad bey ii farxad gelineysaa hambalyadaada, Alle haku dhowro walaal

  7. I am very appreciated your achievements
    I hope you enjoy your future
    Am sure you are brilliant person who made many success in his rest future
    Bro u are my young role model

  8. I am very delighted that u have shared ur 4 yrs experience with us, i can feel how owesome it is to be a student at SIMAD University and all the values attritubes u found in SIMAD is shared by all members lf this Family, i specially happy that i am one of this year's soon to graduate students the class of 2016 which containts a weightful and charismatic students who are the most hopefull and active.
    Thanks to mowliid and all my class of 2016

  9. masha allh allha kuu ziyaadyo sxb igu qaali mowla hormar wayn ayaad smsyy sxb nin an ku faano

  10. Masha Allah now lid my young Bro dadala wa u garage wad kuguleysatay dadalkadi in an manta maqla farxadadane adbay ifarxad galisay dadalkadi siwad wan kugu fanaya Lil bro😍

  11. Alii Abdi khallafeJuly 4, 2016 at 7:58 AM

    Congra bru for the double effort you did, GUULEYSO......

  12. Masha allah ad aya ugu frxsanhy sxb halganka ad soo gashy in aad wx barato run ahnti hadafkagane manta wa ka mira dhalisay gaba gabadii
    Guul ayan ku rajyna iyo inad si laba jibarto halgankaga sxb

  13. Hambalyo sxb Mowliid A. Hassan. Guusha hada ayey kuu bilabatay sxb ee hore u soco.

  14. Mowlid congratz. You did it in classic way. I enjoyed reading. Great.
    Thnkz for sharing the inside story of your four years in this wonderful university I myself went and graduated but never got the lucky to write about it. Really exiting moments.

  15. Abdalla Abdirahman AliJuly 4, 2016 at 10:50 AM

    Masha allah bro I realy enjoyed your words, and how you write this artical.Keep up doing this strugle because that is what your Self and our nation need.

  16. Mohamed Hassan Ahmad AbdiJuly 4, 2016 at 10:59 AM

    Masha Allah Mr MOWLIID A. HASSAN hambalyo Mar labad iyo Mar saddexadba. Waxan jeclanlaha in aan Mar wada shekeysano si aan u helo waxyabo aad iyo aad muhiim u ah wayo waxa tahahay nin SUCCESSFUL ah. Masha Allah HORUMAR WACAN

  17. maashaa'allah bro hambalyo, ma qabyoobo dadaalka

  18. Mashalah walal mowliid waxaan kurijeynaa guul wacan iyo meel intaa kasareysa good work mashalah

  19. Congradualation dear bro/friend mr mowlid. I'm sure you did more patient and you didn't got good slept during that long journy Because successful people do not sleep more and most of their time spend to develope their career and that is what did u done. Really i do not know what i can measure your acheivment but it is pleasure for me to share you.

  20. Saacid cabdullahiJuly 4, 2016 at 1:40 PM

    Aad baan kuu bogaadinayaa sxb maadama aan ka mid ahay wax soo saarka simad university
    Sky is the limit

  21. masha allah horo u sii saco guul wacn hanbalyo Mr Mowliid A. Hassan

  22. Masha allah bro hambalyo hambalyo guul wcn

  23. Abdullahi abdirahman mohamudJuly 4, 2016 at 2:42 PM

    After Reading u history of simad bro u deserve to be simad family and I Hope for u bright feature

  24. Ibrahim Mohamed AhmedJuly 4, 2016 at 2:46 PM

    Masha Allah,It was great journey to one of the most lights of the world.after alot of hardworking;patience ang struggling to get at your final destination and your dreams became true within the most well derserved environment in mogadishu,SU, which I have also taken my time and be BPA01.currently living and learning in USA,Texas.I am very proud to see and hear something like this about my beloved University:SIMAD.everlasting.finally,Congrats to Mr.Mowlid.still there are other ledders ahead of you.

  25. well done bro.. keep going ... i wish your dream come true

  26. Maslah Abdullahi gabreJuly 4, 2016 at 3:42 PM

    Hambalyo sxb qaali move forward alle hakuu fududeyo

  27. Walaal Mowliid aadbaan kuugu hambalyeynayaa guusha aad gaartay, SIMAD University waa halka ukumaheenu(Ukun) ey yaalaan sidaada oo kale ee aan ilaashano, kuna ilaashano in aan quality la so ban baxno, iyo akhlaaq wanagsan.
    Waxaan kugula dardaarmayaa Mowliid, tani waa bilowga guusha ee ha is dhihin bes waye waad bogtay , Awrka heeryada haka wada furin ee si fiican ceynka ugu dhuuji.
    Dardaaran waxaa ugu wanagsan waxa weyaan Alle ka baq waligaa, Akhlaaqdaadana ha wanagsanaato, xushmee dadka kale, Alle iyo umadiisuba wey ku jeclaanayaan.

    Taladaas waa mid abid ku anfici doonta.

  28. Masha Allah, I was enjoying these minutes reading your story, congratulate for your acheivement and i wish u continuous deveploment 4ever.

  29. MashaAllah Bro congratulations

  30. Quf kudayasho mudan walalkay, guul wacan.

  31. So many dreamers; but only a few achievers; and you are one of those who achieved the goal! Congratulations on your graduation! We are all proud of you.

  32. This is really Awesome, hope you do more!


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