9 Amazing People I Read Their Biographies In 2017!

Last year, 2017, has been one of the most exciting and challenging years I have ever witnessed. I set number goals and targets to achieve— in that year —for myself. By the grace of Allah, I have accomplished majority of those goals.

Reading biographies of some of the most successful people who lived in the last 100 years has been among the challenges I took in 2017. Here are the top 9 people whose biographies made my last year well spent one!  


1. Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamed 

Tun Mahathir Mohamed was the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia. During his time in office, from 1981 to 2003, he transformed Malaysia from less developed economy to one of the fastest growing economies in the World.  

2. Dr. APJ Abdulkalam

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has been a world renowned space scientist and the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. He earned the love and confidence of his people in his talents and vast knowledge in space and rockets that's the reason he is known as 'The Missile Man of India' and 'People's President'. He was from a poor family and he made himself one of the most celebrated Indians. His biography is really inspiring!

3. Recep Tayyib Erdogan

Recep Tayyib Erdogan served as a mayor of Istanbul from 1994 to 1998. In 2002, 2007 and 2011  he won three consecutive terms in general elections as Turkish Prime Minister and he is currently serving as the 12th President of the republic of Turkey. He increased Turkey's economy more than 274% since he became Turkish PM in 2002 up-to-now.


4. Sheekh Ahmed Deedat

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat was a self-made da'e/scholar. Deedat left school at standard six for a financial reason but that didn't stop him to chase his dreams, instead, he taught himself through reading! And his is now considered to be the most famous debater, preacher and orator on/in Islam and Comparative religion in the modern history. Born in India, bred in South Africa. Mr Deedat traveled World Wide for numerous inter-religious public debates and dialogues with prominent Christian missionaries and evangelists.

5. Dr Zakir Naik

Dr Zakir Naik is a medical doctor turned into one of the most sought after English speaking Islamic scholars. His vast knowledge, out-spoken personality and sharp memory made him unique Islamic preacher and one of most the famous personalities in the field of comparative religion. He is annually listed in the 100 Most Influential Indians and George Washington's List of the 500 Most Influential Muslims. In 2015, he was presented the most valuable award in the Islamic world - King Faisal International Award.


6. Jack Ma

I enjoyed reading Jack Ma's biography more than any other tycoons I read their's. Jack is the Richest man in China. According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, he is the 14th richest person in the world  as of now. His journey of becoming who is he is indeed commendable. He's rejected by Harvard University ten times. In 2009, he appeared Time Magazine's 100 Most influential Business Leaders in the world.

7. Bill Gates

The second world's richest man as of now, Bill Gates is among the biographies of some of the most successful people I read their biographies in 2017. Like the 9 people I featured in this blog, Bill Gates needs no introduction.  

8. Aliko Dangote 

Africa's richest man, Aliko Dangote has been among the business magnets I read and learned a lot from their autobiographies in the last year. He is Nigerian billionaire, business man and the owner of Dangote Group which is Nigeria's biggest cement producer. According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Aliko Mohamed Dangote is the 124th richest man in the world and Africa's richest man. 

9. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple Inc. was among the business tycoons I read their inspiring stories in 2017. He was the cornerstone of Apple's revolutionary products like iPad, iPhone, Apple computers and the likes. Steve was American inventor, technologist, designer and entrepreneur who's leadership skills led Apple surpass its competitors in the technology sector. In January 2011, Steve left his job as the CEO of Apple for medical reasons and in October 2011 he passed away. 

That's all. Thank you!


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