The Efforts of Somali Youth Worthy of Our Appreciation!

By Mowliid A. Hassan
Youth are the most important assets of every nation, they are tomorrows’ everything and today’s flowers. If they are not given the care they deserved; the country’s future is indeed bleak and gloomy.
After the collapse of Somalia’s central government the country faced its darkest times ever. Civil wars erupted, the national assets were looted and hundreds of thousands of people died. Lots of youngsters had been recruited for crimes and clan-based wars. But today, the youth’s consciousness is not as it was long before. The whole country’s situation is gradually stabilizing, yet the international media’s galleries are full of old pictures of Somalia!
The efforts of local Somali youth are highly increasing in almost all regions of the country. Lots of them are running their own businesses; some are helping the needy and less privileged people, while others are busy for the improvement of their lives and the lives of others. Through social media some are showcasing the development and the hidden beauty of their country that most of the mainstream media are not highlighting.
The objective of this article is to briefly showcase and appreciate some of the remarkable endeavors and good works of Somali youth living in the country. Although I couldn’t mention all of them, I here preferred to randomly select some of them amongst those I personally aware of their contributions, whether be individual or team based. Therefore, I hereby disclaim that the order of individuals caries not weights.   

‘UbaxaCaasimadda’ roughly translating into ‘The flower of the City’: are university students dedicated to plant flowers on the main roads of Mogadishu [formerly known as the war-torn city] to bring back the beauty of the city. 
“Our vision is making Mogadishu beautiful once again; it’s every person’s responsibility to ensure that our city looks good” Ubaxa Caasimadda’s team leader told CCTV-Africa.
Ubaxa Caasimadda’s efforts are not only limited to planting flowers on the major roads, but also painting zebra crossing on the main streets of the capital aiming at improving the safety of the residents. This initiative is really admired by everyone who hears their creativity.
HiilQalin is a vibrant platform where (young) writers, poets, and booklovers meet and share their views and interact with each other. The primary objective of HiilQalin is to promote and develop the vanishing Somali language by encouraging the culture of reading, writing and poetry. The masterminds behind the existence of this great initiative are young people living in Hargeysa; they really deserve more than ‘well done’. HiilQalin inspires the youngsters and uplifts the Somali language  

Ifiye is youth-driven, nonprofit, center that integrates youth's thoughts —ideas and opinions— and as well as promotes reading, writing, books, language and the love of literature among the Somali society. This organization views the culture of reading as an important tool for eliminating the ignorance and cultivating the mental capacity of human beings. To do so, Ifiye hosts well-organized debates, discussions, book signing events, reading circles, book-reviews and gathers book-lovers. Their efforts and initiatives worthy of our appreciation.

The other wonderful works of our youth include the establishment of a center called ‘Ababiye’ that promotes Somali culture and literature. And it has recently been launched its first cultural exhibition by Somali youth, in the beginning of this year, at the city of Beledweyn. Liibaan Abdulkadir is a local university student and the founder of Ababiye. “We will expand this initiative throughout the country” Liibaan told to the VOA.

Hal-Karaan Reading and Writing Club
Since its founding in 2009, Hal-Karaan Reading and Writing Club have been doing awesome activities in the city of Burco, Togdheer. It was founded and funded by like-minded Somali youth who believe that reading and writing are the best mind feeding tools that has long been ignored by Somalis. Hal-Karaan provide conducive platform for both writers and readers.  

Somali Youth Vision (SYV) is one of the most successful youth centered organizations operating in the country. SYV provides a platform for Somalia’s leading figures including youth, women and politicians for the purpose of resolving and eradicating the conflicts through discussion and dialogues. Since its foundation, SYV hosted numerous events and dialogues with prominent personalities in every actors of the society, but the recent one with the president H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was a resounding success. Somali Youth Vision’s activities are clear sign of how our youth are ready to rebuild and uplift their own country.

Zahra Abdulkadir Arte

Zahra lives in Kismaayo, she is a renowned social contributor dedicated to educate the less-privileged children in her city for free of charges. What motivate her are the smiles of those children, #UbaxiiRajada
She is the kind of people who can take this country forward.

Ali Ducale
Ali Ducale is a notable photographer committed to discover the hidden beauty of the country. He travels across the regions and cities of Somalia by capturing the magnificent views of the country. His aim is to put love of the country in the hearts of Somali diaspora [living in abroad] who know nothing about the latest editions of Somalia and as well as the locals [who have the dream of leaving from their country]. Mr Abdulle believes that he can make a positive change through his camera!

Zahra Qorane Omar
Zahra Qorane is a popular photographer born in Beledweyn. Educated and grew up in Mogadishu. She narrates the untold beautiful stories of the Capital, Mogadishu. Her well circulated pictures and stories of the ‘other’ Mogadishu remove despairs and reinstate hope and confidence in the hearts of millions of Somalis around the world. Thank you Zahra! 
As a citizen, I feel that it’s the responsibility of every one of us to support, appreciate and encourage those youth for their valuable contribution in making this country great again. To be honest, I never met with any (except one) of them personally, but their good work captured my heart and they will be imprinted on my mind forever. On behalf of all Somalis, I thank you for the love and support, keep doing the good work! Love you so much!   


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